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How to change theme and icons in Bspwm?

· Une minute de lecture
Aditya Shakya

In Archcraft, Bspwm use xsettingsd, a daemon that implements the XSETTINGS specification. To change gtk theme, icons and cursor theme, you need to edit the ~/.config/bspwm/xsettingsd file.

  • Edit ~/.config/bspwm/xsettingsd file with your favorite text editor
$ vim ~/.config/bspwm/xsettingsd
  • Change the values of following lines according to the stuff you want to apply
Net/ThemeName "Arc-Dark"
Net/IconThemeName "Arc-Circle"
Gtk/CursorThemeName "Pear"
  • Restart the xsettingsd daemon. Have a look at xsettingsd wiki for all available options.